
How To Get Cass As A Companion

Cass mentions that her father left to once more wander the wastes while she was still young, and she was raised by her mother, a former tribal from east of the Colorado River.[2] She mentions that her father only left her a name and a pendant.[3] [4]

When first encountered by the Courier, Cass is drowning her sorrows at the Mojave Outpost bar. NCR Ranger reports have reached her that her caravan has been attacked and "burned to ash," placing an even greater burden on her shoulders. However, threats along the road into New Vegas and problems with NCR paperwork have so far prevented her from leaving the outpost to investigate the attack. She is very outspoken on the NCR and Caesar's Legion, mostly pointing out the bureaucratic messes of the NCR and the Legion's treatment of women, but does concede that Legion supply lines are "safe as houses", unlike NCR supply lines.[5] [6]

Rose of Sharon Cassidy's comments Location Comment Red Rock Canyon "These boys and girls can really down the bottles."
"Whiskey and liquor don't last long around here, by the sight of it."
"Wonder if any of these folks would be up for shots of courage - and a wager."
"Be *really* careful what you say here."
"Should have heard stories of the Khans years ago - they were one tough bunch, now..."
"Khans lost their strength after Bitter Springs, came here to lick their wounds."
"Let's not split up here, all right?"
"Don't take any chems here - hell knows what they're laced with."
"Won't trade with Khans - they've poisoned most of the villages west of Vegas with chems."
"Fiends would suffer withdrawal and die without the Khans."
"Place would be beautiful... without the chem addicts and dealers."
"Guess someone had to put them down."
"Have a Vegas-style boxing ring in the center there."
"Really wish we could go to some civilized places."
"Even the flies here are chemed."
"God, you can smell the Brahmin shit from the jet all over this place." Generic wasteland "Sure could use a drink."
"All this traveling's making me thirsty."
"Careful if we go off the road."
"Don't mind trailblazing as long as we got the ammo. And whiskey."
"Feels good not to have to drag a Brahmin train across the Mojave."
"Glad I left the Outpost behind."
"Caravan of two now." Bitter Springs "Heard NCR recon fucked up here once, with the Khans."
"Heard NCR drove the Khans out of here, to Red Rock."
"Place stinks of sand, piss, and vomit."
"Watch out - easy to get sick around here." Black Mountain "Crazy ass radio signals around here, couldn't make sense of them."
"Place sets geiger counters ticking."
"No idea why the highest point in the Mojave is so rad-lit." Camp Guardian "Just goes to show you, no matter where you go, there's NCR trying to hold onto every corner of the world."
"Guess they chose this spot to spy on Caesar."
"Poor bastards."
"Guess NCR's fish food."
"Nice sign." Cottonwood Cove "Should kill all these slavers."
"Damn slavers."
"Those dogs look like they could savage a Securitron."
"We go across that launch, we may not come back."
"This is the only place to cross the Colorado safely."
"I hope we're not planning to cross the river."
"Only merchants, slaves and Legion come here." Camp Forlorn Hope "Another proud NCR camp."
"Probably chose this place because of the water supply."
"Morale looks low."
"I smell Hydra in the air, just a whiff." The Fort "Be damn careful here."
"Don't like the way the men are looking at me."
"Keep your eyes to yourself, Legion asshole."
"Can't believe you want to talk to this guy."
"Love how he's decorated the place."
"Women might as well be dirt... not anxious to join them."
"Wish these women would take knives to Caesar's troops in their beds." The Fort (the return) "Can't belive we're fucking back here."
"Testing our luck coming back here."
"You sure you know what you're doing?
They try and put one of those Brahmin packs on me, they're asking for a gelding. Going to get gelded."

"Can't say I've seen a smile on anyone's face since we arrived.
Hope NCR wipes Caesar off the map."

"Guess the tent belongs to the big man."
"Not much future in the Legion if you don't have a dick."
"I'm heading back West if Caesar moves on the Dam."
"Not looking forward to being a Legion wife." Hidden Valley "What's that hum?"
"Watch for scorpions."
"Doesn't fell like the rest of the Mojave here."
"Storms pick up quick around here." Hoover Dam "Check out those guns - rumor had it they used to shoot planes down before the war."
"Place looks like how my bladder feels."
"Place always wants me to take a piss."
"Ever look down the Dam? Sends your head spinning." Jacobstown "Place is fucking cold."
"Pine trees?"
"Can't believe we're in a refuge for crazy super mutants."
"Wish I'd packed a jacket."
"Only seen snow, not walked through it. Crazy - frozen water? Should package this shit."
"Heard they could make "ice" in the Old World and carry it around."
"Dad used to say that in the Old World, people would put boards on their feet and soar down the mountains." Mojave Outpost "Back here again?"
"What, didn't see enough of the sites here the first time?"
"Once here, most just stall out, can't go deeper into territory."
"Fucking monument."
"From here, it's Nipton to the east or Primm to the north."
"And here's the slice of the world where NCR's hands start slipping." Nelson "Guess the miners got fucked."
"Where's the mine from here?"
"If this place got hit, Novac's next." Nipton "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Nipton wasn't the best towns, but..."
"Mayor Steyn got what was coming to him, looks like."
"Mayor here used to shelter gangers, hear tell. Guess it didn't save him."
"Should we cut the people down..."
"Who the hell was that?"
"I... hope they don't hit the Mojave Outpost." Quarry Junction "Smells like deathclaw."
"Looks like this place got wrecked."
"Looks like this place go mined - in the wrong ways." Boulder City "Should hit the Big Horn saloon here."
"Heard there's still mines in the city - and maybe drunk NCR soldiers spoiling for a fight."
"Rubble city, more like it."
"There's a bar in the intact section, careful if you go wandering around the ruined section." Camp Golf "Not much reason to ship water here, but liquor... hard to meet demand."
"If NCR didn't grate me so, I'd come here for water resupply."
"Used to ship a lot of liquor here, soldiers here have too much free time."
"If there's a reason to attack NCR, Camp Golf's a reason."
"Watch out for the Misfits here - 9th Platoon, word of their fuck-ups is legendary."
"Golf was a president, I think. Maybe for NCR."
"Heard this used to be a mine field from some of the troopers here."
"Each spot for a land mine is numbered, hear tell."
"If you're looking for NCR's spine, ain't going to find it here."
"Well, Hanlon sure let this place go to shit."
"Lot of sites to this guy Golf all over the West." Fiend territory "Shit. Fiends."
"Smells like Fiends."
"Can smell the chem labs and Jet from here."
"Make sure you have a backup weapon, Fiends don't go down easy."
"Watch for dogs."
"Heard tell there was a Vault somewhere around here." Freeside "Hometown of the Van Graffs, don't care for this place too much."
"We shouldn't be in here."
"Water's scarce, but between things like this and Lake Mead, ain't too bad in the West as in other places."
"Watch out for the Kings, they're unpredictable."
"Kings dress like strutting girls, all fancy like."
"Once had a King following me like I was following you - had to chase him off with a shotgun finally."
"Kings told me I couldn't deal water here, fuckers. They like having mono. As in monopoly."
"Ralph might be able to forge a pass into the Strip for you, you need one."
"Looking for weapons, check out Mick and Ralphs... Mick's probably a sight better than Ralph, always trying to talk me out of my pants."
"Kings are led by the King. Has some kind of robot dog. Guess it hunts robot rats."
"Kings hold control over the water pump 'round here." NCR Correctional Facility "Looks like prisoners are in charge now."
"No guards in the towers, not a good sign."
"Guess NCR fucked this place, too." Nellis Air Force Base "Folks here have access to Lake Mead, fresh drinking water."
"Careful, Boomer territory. They ain't hostile, but they're a bit trigger happy."
"Boomers are a might twitchy."
"Folks here aren't friendly to anyone."
"Don't be shooting wild in here - might set something off."
"First time I seen a fence made out of artillery."
"Some of these weapons look like they came from Hawthorne Army Depot, place has a lot of history."
"Can hear the screaming of rockets and explosions in this place at night."
"Got nests for planes here."
"An assault on this place would be suicide." Novac "This place reminds me the Old World had too much time on its hands."
"Named this place after the hotel."
"NoVac's the hotel, not the lizard."
"Smells like junk."
"Can see Dinky for miles, good landmark."
"First saw this place, thought the giant gecko was real."
"Read a book that giant lizards walked the earth like this one - might be a gecko this size." Primm "Said there's a courier office here?
Sign of the buffalo."

"Ah, Bison Steve, you old shithole."
"Those post office boxes in these old towns still work."
"Good contact, Nash, used to be here. Had a son that went West."
"Old World had cars that ran on roads like these above the ground, 'cept they didn't go anywhere."
"The sheriff here ain't worth a damn."
"Crazy ass shit." "Ranger Station" "Rest stop."
"NCR's friendly, might be able to resupply."
"A little safe ground."
"NCR flag - not safe, close to it, though." New Vegas Strip "Chairmen, Omertas... a whole bunch of families rule Vegas, don't step out a line as long as money's to be made."
"Welcome to sin. Watch where you step."
"Watch for NCR vomit."
"Hope you're not here to chase your losses."
"Now to find a bar."
"Don't understand how the missiles could have missed a target like this."
"Beats Freeside."
"Can't believe we got in here."
"Dad used to say this place was what Reno tried to be. Fucking Reno."
"Place feels like the Sorcerer of Oz sometimes."
"Heard stories about the Lucky 38, how nobody's ever gone inside - 'cept you, that is." Goodsprings "Looking to step on your own grave?"
"Not every day you come back to your gravesite."
"Heard the Doc here is a good guy."
"Crimson Caravan had some trouble here."
"Hill where you got shot?" NCR "Be careful they don't charge us any tolls."
"Don't tell them where we're from - or headed."
# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01.png

Rose of Sharon Cassidy died as her caravan died - in an unmarked grave, another victim of the Mojave.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 13 1.ogg

Have Cass die as a companion or killed by the Van Graffs during Birds of a Feather.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01.png

Despite the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, Cass lived for 30 more years. She made her way back West and passed away in a small shack outside of Vault City, the rose pendant still around her neck.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 13 2.ogg

Acquire Cass as a companion then incite her to leave the Mojave and travel back west.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01.png

The slaughter of the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan caused no end of trouble for NCR back West. Already struggling, NCR's supply lines suffered further as the two caravans withdrew support until the "massacre in the East" was resolved.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 13 3.ogg

Complete Heartache by the Number by killing Gloria Van Graff and Alice McLafferty.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01.png

In the years following the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, NCR used evidence of the plot to blackmail the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs. NCR enacted strict trade laws with little resistance, strengthening their supply lines and their position in the Mojave.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 13 4.ogg

Complete Heartache by the Number by exposing the Van Graffs and the Crimson Caravan to the NCR authorities. Alice McLafferty and Gloria Van Graff both left alive.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01.png

Both the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty were removed from their post in the East. During their trek West, however, their caravan was wiped out by raiders using advanced weaponry and military tactics. No cargo was taken. When questioned, the Gun Runners denied any involvement, claiming they would have no... public motivation for such an attack.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 13 5.ogg

Steal the Gun Runner's manufacturing specifications in You Can Depend on Me and get ending #4. This ending is added onto and comes right after that one.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

Cass survived to see the NCR flag flying proud over Hoover Dam, and thought for a moment... this is what a hero must feel like. She was about to tell the Courier not to get too proud of himself/herself, then she figured he/she knew that already.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 1.ogg

Side with the NCR at the end.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an empty whiskey bottle as a note. As she walked along the Dam in the night, she felt drunk, content, and happy to be alive. Which to her, was the whole point of it all.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 1a.ogg

Side with the NCR at the end, complete Heartache by the Number, and play as a male courier.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

So she laughed, said fuck it all, and raised a bottle to the Dam and the ones who had fought for it. As far as she was concerned, the whole thing was proof that playing out a bad hand can pay off in the end... as long as someone/a woman like the Courier was holding the cards.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 1b.ogg

Complete Eureka! endgame quest for the NCR, do not complete Heartache by the Number OR play as a female courier.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Vegas burned brighter than ever, Securitrons filled the streets, and Cass's heart skipped... just a little. Her last words were to the Dam - and to herself. "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time."

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 2.ogg

Complete All or Nothing endgame quest for Mr. House.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she'd expected. She'd kept quiet about that, though.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 3.ogg

Complete No Gods, No Masters endgame quest for an Independent New Vegas.

Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02.png

Cass lived to see the mark of the Legion on Hoover Dam. Uncertain of what lay next for the West, she remained silent. As the Legion marched West, she found it difficult to see the Dam as anything more than a gravestone for the Mojave - and everyone in it.

Icon sound trigger.png

Icon sound.png

Play sound
FNVending Cass 14 4.ogg

Complete Veni, Vidi, Vici endgame quest for Caesar's Legion.

How To Get Cass As A Companion


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